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SAP Router Configuration

                                           SAP Router Configuration

     1. Download the latest saprouter from the Marketplace

Ø  Login to the SAP Support Portal with the S-user ID which is assigned to your installation.
Ø  Use the latest SAProuter version, which can be downloaded from the SAP Software Download Center.
Ø  Support Packages & Patches 
Ø  A-Z Alphabetical List of Products 
Ø  S
Ø  SAPROUTER (latest version)
Ø  your preferred O.S. version
Ø  saprouter_XXX-XXXXXXXX.sar

2.  Download the latest SAP Cryptographic Library from the SAP Software Download Area.

Ø  Support Packages & Patches
Ø  A-Z Alphabetical List of Products
Ø  S
Ø  COMMONCRYPTOLIB (latest version)
Ø  your preferred O.S. version

3.Executing the commands

·         SAPCAR  -xvf saprouter_XXX-XXXXXXXX.sar will unpack the following files:
·         SAPCAR  -xvf SAPCRYPTOLIBP_XXXX-XXXXXXXX.SAR will unpack the following files:

4.Create the new folder

(e.g. /usr/sap/saprouter).  Copy the file that we are extract through SAPCAR.

5.Set the environment variables for SNC_LIB and SECUDIR

My computer (right click)---> properties---> advanced system setting ----> advanced ---> environment variables ---> new

SECUDIR---> path  till saprouter folder
SNC_LIB----> path till sapcrypto.dll

6. Create saprouttab  file in saprouter folder in file format

7. Download the Distinguished Name from the SMP.

Distinguished Name------> CN=pamserver, OU=0001400618, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE

8. Create “certreq” file

Now create a “certreq” file  in the  file format  in saprouter folder

9.Request for router license

Enter the command on the command prompt
Sapgenpse get_pse -v -r certreq -p local.pse “<Distinguished Name>”
eg : Sapgenpse get_pse -v -r certreq -p local.pse “CN=pamserver, OU=0001400618, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE”

Now open the certreq file with notepad

Copy the text and past it into the marketplace

Click on Request Certificate 

Copy the text in the executed page

10. Create “srcert” file in the file format in the saprouter folder

 Past the copyed text in the “srcert” file

11. Import the certificate using the below command 

sapgenpse import_own_cert -c srcert -p local.pse

Confirm that the import was successful.
e.g: CA-Response successfully imported into PSE "/usr/sap/saprouter2/local.pse"

12. Create credentials for your PSE and secure your credentials file

sapgenpse seclogin -p local.pse -O <user_for _SAProuter>

 eg : sapgenpse seclogin –p E:\usr\sap\saprouter\local.pse –O administrator
Type in your PIN/Passphrase when prompted
This generates the cred_v2 file

13. check the command

sapgenpse get_my_name -v -n Issuer
This should result to
Issuer  : CN=SAProuter CA, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP Trust Community II, C=DE

14.Now we need to maintain the details in the saprouttab file

Model from SAP Marketplace :


15.Download the CA certificate from SAP note 2131531.

Download the object from the sap note. (last of the not)
Copy   smprootca.der  in to the saprouter folder

Import the certificate
 sapgenpse maintain_pk -a smprootca.der -p local.pse

16. SAProuter service creation

Enter  this command to the saprouter service creation

sc.exe create SAPRouter binPath= "saprouter.exe service -r -W 60000 -R saprouttab -K ^p:CN=pamserver, OU=0001400618, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE^" start= auto obj= "NT AUTHORITY\LocalService"

Eg: sc.exe create SAPRouter binPath= "E:\usr\sap\saprouter\saprouter.exe service -r -W 60000 -R E:\usr\sap\saprouter\saprouttab -K ^p:CN=pamserver, OU=0001400618, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE^" start= auto obj= "NT AUTHORITY\LocalService"

Then goto -----> Services
Right click on SAProuter service----> Propertice-----> logon
Type the user of saprouter and password

 Then goto “regedit”
(search on the system)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -----> SYSTEM -------> Services -------> saprouter ------>  double click on image path

Remove the  “^”

17.Starting SAProuter

18.Goto OSS1

Parameter-----> Technical Setting
Fill the entries for the OSS connection

19.Goto SM59

Select  ABAP Connections-----> Double click on SAPOSS------->  Connection Test

It show no errors in your Router Connection

1 comment:

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